ダイナ通信 #2


TENTONTOエンタメ部 第86回


作者のクロエ・アスパー(Dinah)さん公認のもと、毎週、日本語訳バージョンをお届けしている「Dinah the aspie dinosaur」。アスペ(aspie)恐竜の女の子・ダイナが活躍するイギリス発のWEBコミックです。




Chloë: Secondly, quite often just getting by day to day and working to ‘fit in’ in this way is so exhausting that by the time I get any free time, I am too tired to engage in hobbies at all even if I want to. So then I don’t know what to say, and again people will judge me as ‘boring’ for not engaging in ‘acceptable’ hobbies that usually involve expending physical or mental energy in some way.

クロエ(以下ク): それから、日々をなんとか切り抜けたり、周りに「馴染む」ように努めたりすることは、しばしば大変疲れます。なので、過度の疲れゆえに趣味で楽しめないのです。自由時間が充分に確保できない限りはね。だから、その時の私は言うことに困ってしまい、またしても「退屈」なヤツだとか、心身のエネルギーを発散するような「まともな」趣味を持ってない、などと決めつけられてしまいました。

Yutani: Now I knew your feelings in this time more in detail. It should have been a really hard time for you.

Yutani: Certainly, also for me(as a man with ADD and slight autistic tendency), sometimes it is hard to talk ’bout my own “unusual”, but essential hobbies(such as playing Nintendo 3DS games, reading some kinds of cartoons, …) to some guys around me, without worrying “false judgement” in your word😩. Not only about hobbies, sometimes talking topic about activities in TENTONTO is also true of such situation😖

Yutani: In my opinion, to many -often it could be said that NT- people, the word “hobbies” does not mean things that they cant help doing or playing it, in contrast to “hobbies” to aspies. I guess at that time Scrabble online was almost an essential part of your daily life, wasn’t it (Do you have such hobbies now)?




Chloë: Yes, in fact I still like to play Scrabble when I have time, although I’m not nearly as good at it as I’d like to be because it takes a lot of practice! I like Nintendo DS as well, mostly ‘Animal Crossing’, because it’s a gentle, slow-paced game that is not overwhelming or scary.

Chloë: I used to play the Pokémon games when I was growing up, long after most people my age had stopped, so I suppose that’s always been a bit of an embarrassing hobby too. And then of course there’s drawing the Dinah the Aspie Dinosaur comics! If I don’t want to straight-out declare I’m autistic to someone, then I can’t tell them about this.



