【新企画】ダイナ通信 #1
TENTONTOエンタメ部 第85回
作者のクロエ・アスパー(Dinah)さん公認のもと、毎週、日本語訳バージョンをお届けしている「Dinah the aspie dinosaur」。アスペ(aspie)恐竜の女の子・ダイナが活躍するイギリス発のWEBコミックです。
Yutani: Thank you Chloë, and I am sorry to my repeated late response, which is because I am on the preparation for latest ZINE of ours, TENTONTOno.8.
Chloë: Don’t worry about delays! I am currently studying for med school exams so I have plenty more to be doing in the meantime.
クロエ(以下ク): お気になさらず。最近、大学の試験勉強をしてるところで、しばらく時間が確保できるんです。
Yutani: Oh, it seems you are busy on studying hard for the exam, but glad to hear that! Talking about our preparetion, we TENTONTO members are planning to go to snow mountain and try winter sports(snowboarding) in early of next month, and write some essays for the ZINE. On producing our latest ZINE, a word “challenge” will be our motto. Each members is going to challenge some extraordinary things(such as snowboarding, in spite of all of participating 4 members has no experience of it, and so far I am even poor at playing any sports But now I am really looking forward to the “challange”)
Chloë: Hahaha, wow! That sounds amazing. The closest thing I have ever done to that is windsurfing, and I was so bad at it that in the end the instructor just let me sit on the front of his surfboard and get a ride instead.
Yutani: Sounds exciting! I didn’t know about that sports but googled now, it is sports on the water and looks thrilling😨. Did you enjoyed that?
Chloë: It was quite funny, seeing as I could barely stand up on the board plus I can’t swim 😉 I think I am better off watching!
Yutani: I see it was so hard…about me, to learn swimming was my lesson during my childhood, so I am good at swimming compared to other sports. So now I feel like playing windsurfing someday😁 Anyway, now I would like to move on to the subject about interview 😃 Anyway, now I would like to move on to the subject about interview In no.7(), we featured two of Dinah episodes. As we talked before, I thought they refer to some state(or mode) in which aspies can relax, which is compared to “safemode” on some kinds of computers.
One of them is the episode above. In this episode, Dinah(maybe you yourself) answered that “NORMAL THINGS” is her hobby, to two friends. I guess you hesitated to tell them your “real intention” about your hobby, didn’t you?
Chloë: Yep. Well, there are two issues. Firstly, at the moment, I love to play Scrabble online. If I were to tell people that, they would automatically judge me as ‘boring’, ‘nerdy’, ‘weird’… I might be all of these things, but often in public I am able to ‘blend in’ and get along with people without having to endure false judgement or even bullying. I am often reluctant to reveal information about myself because I fear being laughed at or people making wrong assumptions about me.