ダイナ通信 #7


TENTONTOエンタメ部 第105回


作者のクロエ・アスパー(Dinah)さん公認のもと、毎週、日本語訳バージョンをお届けしている「Dinah the aspie dinosaur」。アスペ(aspie)恐竜の女の子・ダイナが活躍するイギリス発のWEBコミックです。この「ダイナ通信」のコーナーでは、私Yutaniが、作者のクロエさんに「ダイナ」制作の裏話などを伺っています。

#83「ダイナと、こぼれないカップ」のエピソードについて伺った先々週先週に続いて、今週は#84「ダイナとトイレ②」 にまつわるお話です。「続きを読む」からどうぞ。


Yutani: By the way your latest Dinah comic #84 was really, really funny one😂 As I research, in Japan there are some of apps for smartphone that provide us location of loos in cities as map. Is there such apps in English? and are there many restrooms comfortable to stay in your hometown or close cities?


Chloë: I’m glad you liked the last comic! I have only heard of one such site in the UK that someone pointed out in one of the comments, and that is apparently only focussed on hygiene 😛 I was inspired to write this comic by the loos in the Outpatients department at the hospital where I’m on placement at the moment, where I have spent several lunch breaks hiding out because they score a good 14/15 on my personal rating scale!  


Chloë: Sadly there are not many good ones around… I do remember visiting a couple of restaurants in the past that would have scored 15/15, and I also know of at least one that scores 0 (a particularly disgusting one I had to use at a bus station once) 😀


Yutani: Is that 14/15 toilet this one appeared in episode #37?




Dinah #37「ダイナとトイレ」 http://tentonto.jp/?p=9160

Chloë: Haha, no! That one was at my old workplace. That was probably… 7/15 😛


Yutani: I see. It is natural score because of such an automatic timer😅


