ダイナ通信 #3


TENTONTOエンタメ部 第87回


作者のクロエ・アスパー(Dinah)さん公認のもと、毎週、日本語訳バージョンをお届けしている「Dinah the aspie dinosaur」。アスペ(aspie)恐竜の女の子・ダイナが活躍するイギリス発のWEBコミックです。





Yutani: Oh, coincidently Pokémon is my latest favorite game! I used to play it until 2002 and have stopped playing following sequel. But last November, again I started playing its most recent title Sun/Moon, as the chief-editor in our magazine Yumiztakis recommended! Now especially I love Gengar, Sandshrew(it shows another “region form” in the latest title!), Mamoswine, Aegislash. What version have you ever played? and do you have any favorite monsters?


Chloë: Oh yeah! I played Pokémon Yellow (the one with the Pikachu that would follow you around), then Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Fire Red (the remake of Red), and I think Diamond, and Alpha Sapphire (the remake of Sapphire) before I finally got overwhelmed by the huge number of characters and had to stop. Now you are making me want to start again with Sun or Moon 😉 It’s hard to pick a favourite Pokémon, but if I had to it would probably be Mareep and its evolutions Flaaffy and Ampharos.

Chloë: The first time I played Gold, I had an Ampharos that I eventually trained to Level 100, and I think I really did become quite attached!

クロエ(以下ク): 遊んだのはイエロー(ピカチュウが後ろからついてくるバージョン)、金、クリスタル、ルビー、ファイアレッド(赤版のリメイク)です。ダイアモンドと、アルファサファイア(サファイア版のリメイクですね)も確か。モンスターの数が増えすぎて圧倒されてしまい、プレイを止めてしまうまでは、遊んでいました。あなたの話を聞いて、サン/ムーンで遊びたくなりましたよ。

ク: お気に入りのポケモンを選ぶのは難しいですが、強いて言うなら、メリープと、その進化形のモココデンリュウでしょうか。版を初めて遊んだときは、デンリュウを少しずつ育てて、レベル100まで上げました。すごくハマってたんだな、って思いますね。

Yutani: In those, Yellow, Gold and Ruby are the titles I have ever played. Absolutely your reason is same as why I quit playing the sequel, but in S/M, there are both familiar/classic characters and new/up-to-date ones so I am really enjoying playing it though it is after 14 years of blank! Those three were my favorite too, I remember I was really surprised when a “sheep” evolved into some sort of “divine creature” 😮




