ダイナ通信 #4


TENTONTOエンタメ部 第88回


作者のクロエ・アスパー(Dinah)さん公認のもと、毎週、日本語訳バージョンをお届けしている「Dinah the aspie dinosaur」。アスペ(aspie)恐竜の女の子・ダイナが活躍するイギリス発のWEBコミックです。





Yutani: Animal Crossing is a lovely game of one of member in our team, Marf. She is really devoting herself into its latest title, as you can see that in some of articles in our website: http://tentonto.jp/?p=13432I have never played “AC” sequels, but its system seems so attractive to some autistic people.


Chloë: That’s funny that Animal Crossing is also popular with at least one of the TENTONTO team. I wonder how many people ‘like us’ are fans of the game? I know at least three autistic people I’ve met online who are.




Yutani: As you may know, some sort of hardware or computers are appeared in the latest “AC” title and Marf loves to play some video games(such as with Wii U) “”in her room built in the world of AC””, even though AC itself is video game. It is “video game in video game”. This is really interesting example and I feel it explains why some autistic people around you and me is attracted by the game. How do you think?

ユ:ご存知かもしれませんが、marfさんがプレイしているタイトルでは、ゲームの中にコンピューターゲーム機などが登場します。例えば、Wii U、のようなものです。彼女はそれで遊ぶのが大好きだそうです。「ゲームの中でゲームをする」という状況ですね。この面白い遊び方が、自閉的感覚をもつ人の一部が惹きつけられる理由にもなっていると感じるのですが、どう思われますか?

Chloë: Oh, yes, I agree! It reminds me a little bit of in the Pokémon games when, in the first room at the beginning, there would always be a Nintendo games console that the character had in their room at home. I was always amused by the ‘video game in a video game’ concept. There is something appealing about it, you’re right.


Yutani: Oh, it also has some online factors. Sounds like it provide autistic people fun of online game without fear. I have heard its appeal and gentleness from Marf and you, now really want to purchase it! Playing it with you in online should be fun, I think☺


Chloë: I have not used the online features of Animal Crossing that much, but I will be interested to investigate if I start playing again (which I intend to… my DS is charging as I type 😊 )…




